Quarantine Quiz Series

Posted by Christian Manie On April 20, 2020 Research & Resources

To test you digital knowledge, keep you on your toes, and just for a bit of fun to relieve the boredom, IAB Australia is running a Quarantine Quiz Series.

There will be a new quiz on a different topic every week, and we are tallying the results and will announce a winner when life returns to normal (whenever that is…).

CTV Quiz Social 2x1

Take the CTV Quiz.

Ad Effect Quiz Social 2x1

Take the Ad Effectiveness Quiz


Audio Quiz Social 2x1 copy 2

Take the Audio Quiz


 Metrics Quiz Social 2x1

Take the Metrics Quiz


 Direct Quiz Social 2x1 copy

Take the Direct Brands Quiz


 Targeting Quiz Social 2x1 copy 2

Take the Audience Targeting Quiz

Christian Manie
