Battle for the Bronchs

Posted by IAB Australia On May 15, 2007 Research & Resources


March – May 2007 winner: Battle for the Bronchs
Client: Glaxo Smith Klein
Creative Agency: TEQUILA DIGITAL
Campaign type: Microsites, viral
Industry: Pharmaceutical

Campaign Information
To raise asthma awareness amongst a youth audience that tend to ignore traditional advertising, an interactive four part comic book was created: in a world gone mad, in a land starved of oxygen, one man had the courage to stand up and fight. This was a story of conflict, a story of love, a story of allergy driven, bronchial spasms. The storyline followed a fierce battle for turf between the Air force and Trigger Gangs, each desperate to control the windy city.

A blockbuster-style trailer, live action episodes, plot-centric games and interactive map all conveyed a health message: don’t let asthma control you.

Judge’s Comment
An engaging and fun way to bring to life the downside of suffering from asthma. Particularly liked the comic book style and the dramatisation of the characters in line with the symptoms of the allergy. Great work.


IAB Australia

IAB Australia is the peak trade association for online advertising in Australia. As one of over 43 IAB offices globally and with a rapidly growing membership, the role of the IAB is to support sustainable and diverse investment in digital advertising across all platforms in Australia.
