The IAB Audio Summit was held in Sydney on 16th March 2021. It provided attendees with information and inspiration on the streaming and podcasting advertising market including the release of the 5th wave of IAB exclusive Audio Advertising State of the Nation, local case studies and information on optimising audio as part of your media mix from Analytic Partners.
Welcome: Nicole Bence, IAB Chair and Network Digital Sales Director SWM
Case Study 1: Jasmine Beech, Head of Sales Research, SCA
State of the Nation Research: Gai Le Roy, CEO, IAB Australia
Case Study 2: Liam Daly, Group Sales Lead, ACAST
Audio As Part of Your Media Mix: Jo-Ann Foo, Director, Analytic Partners
Case Study 3: Matt Bryant, Senior Creative Strategist, Spotify
Recording and Resources from the Audio Summit
IAB Australia State of the Nation Report
Analytic Partners Audio as Part of Your Media Mix Presentation
Acast Advertiser Success Stories Presentation
SCA Case Studies – Luxe Walls and eBay