19 February 2010: IAB Australia today announced that its Measurement Council is drafting guidelines and best practice for the application of auto-refresh following a review of the practice, measurement and reporting of auto-refresh of web content in the Australian market. The guidelines, which are being drafted in collaboration with the MFA and AANA, are expected to be published for industry wide comment by the end of March 2010.
IAB Australia’s initial position is that, in line with global industry guidelines, site-set refresh rates are assessed for reasonableness based on the refresh rate and the nature of the content being refreshed. Consumers expect and want updated information on sites where content is being regularly updated, such as news, sport and weather.
The review acknowledges the importance of providing agencies and clients who are buying advertising on these sites more detailed information to help them make informed buying decisions.
The IAB is working with measurement providers, primarily Nielsen in the Australian market, to provide transparent data an (hasn’t committed to this!) IAB Australia will also encourage publishers using other site centric measurement solutions to provide this information to clients.
IAB Australia is committed to the growth of the Australian interactive advertising industry and through its various Councils; and in collaboration with other key industry groups such as the MFA, is working to provide advertisers, agencies, and its members with global best practice and local guidelines to make advertising online more effective and more efficient.
About the Interactive Advertising Bureau
The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) is the peak trade association for online advertising in Australia. As one of over 25 IAB offices globally, and with a rapidly growing membership, IAB Australia’s principal objective is to increase the share of advertising and marketing dollars that interactive media captures in the marketplace.
Officially launched in October 2005 by Australia’s six major online publishers – News Digital Media, Fairfax Digital, ninemsn, Yahoo!7, Google and Sensis Media Smart – together with the Australian Interactive Media Industry Association (AIMIA), the IAB has four objectives:
• To develop, coordinate and promote industry standards and guidelines that make interactive advertising a simpler and more attractive medium for agencies, advertisers and marketers
• To prove and promote the effectiveness of interactive advertising to advertisers, agencies, marketers, and the press
• To be the primary advocate for the interactive marketing and advertising industry
• To expand the breadth and depth of IAB membership while increasing direct value to members
For further information about IAB Australia please visit: www.iabaustralia.com.au
For more editorial information please contact:
Pru Quinlan or Ashleigh Favaloro
Einsteinz Communications
T: (02) 8905 0995
E: pru@einsteinz.com.au
E: ashleigh@einsteinz.com.au