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- Content integration on multiple devices
- Media multitasking is on the rise in New Zealand, with nearly a third of us consuming multiple forms of media simultaneously
- 5.4 million mobile phones in NZ – this has increased by 20% since Oct 2011
- Smartphone penetration is 40% & expecting to reach the 50% mark by early 2013
- NZ smartphone users are multi-tasking their media with 80% using their phone while doing other things such as watching TV (54%)
- A whopping 96.5% of everyone 15+ who was online in April 2012 visited a social media site at least once
- In 2011, online advertising’s share of total ad spend was 15% which is slowly catching up to online’s share of time spent at 25% (up from 16% in 2006)
- More than 3 in 4 online users in NZ watch online video