Each month Denise Shrivell from MediaScope, curates a series of must read articles and insights for the digital media community to help you stay up to date and informed.
– Breaking News & Views from March – make sure you’re across all the local breaking media related news and views through this handy list.
– MediaScape of Australia’s Mainsteam Media Ownership – with media reform on the agenda yet again this updated guide to Australia’s mainstream media landscape will be fascinating to watch.
– A Manifesto for Global Media Agencies (CampaignUK) – Dominique Delport, the global managing director of Havas Media Group, provides his manifesto for global media agencies: “We are the change agents. Our success will depend on the speed at which we are able to transform ourselves – to leverage data & content in everything we do, & bring science & measurement to operate programmable media.”
– The Changing – & Unchanging – Structure of TV (Stratechery) – Comprehensive article which considers the overall structure of the TV industry & how & why that structure is evolving with the advent of the Internet & mobile devices. “If advertisers are increasingly unable to reach their intended audience on TV, they will seek other channels”.
– Ad Sellers Face Harsh New Reality: Evolve or Find Another Career (AdAge) – “Advertisers are demanding that publishers apply reams of data to target their ads, which, by the way, should appear within the stream of editorial content, get significant social-media promotion & be as bespoke as possible. & they’re trying to squeeze publishers on the price every step of the way. As a result, legacy publishers are taking a pickaxe to calcified sales departments.”
– Our Marketing Models are Broken. We Need to Make a Shift (Forbes) – “Marketing used to be pretty simple. You developed a compelling message, used mass media to broadcast that message to large audiences & grew market share. Now mass marketing has shifted to mass personalisation & messaging & targeting have given way to activation. It is no longer enough to simply grab attention, we have to hold attention.”
– A Tricky Transition: Getting Digital Ad Sales Teams Ready for Programmatic (AdExchanger) – “Most publishers that are embarking on a programmatic solution will quickly reach a fork in the road with their direct ad sales strategy. Depending on what direction they take, they could be headed for obsolescence & interference or to an expanded offering. To reach the latter, they must have the right strategy & platforms, & pay attention to the technology & human factors that can sometimes make the transition complicated. To get the most out of a combined sales strategy, steps must be taken to reorganise the ad sales team.”
– Train or Die: How to Cultivate the Next Generation of Media Leaders (Adage) – ‘It’s clear that we are facing a serious shortage of ad tech talent where the industry needs to engage in active partnerships with brands & agencies to develop the talent these companies need to move into the next phase of programmatic adoption. You have to realise that there’s no Academy for ad tech; we are the academy.’
– Thoughts on Media Business Revenue Models (MathewIngram) – ‘Was the business model behind Gigaom — a combination of editorial, events and subscription research – part of the reason the company failed, or was it the execution of that model?’ A comprehensive look at the failure of Gigaom which asks ‘was the revenue model fundamentally flawed, or was it just poorly executed?’
– In the Era of Programmatic, What Should Media Agencies Do Next? (Medium) – ‘The media agency business model is being shaken to its very foundations with large media players investing in their own technology & data platforms in an attempt to defend their position. It’s a gamble. By exchanging purchasing power for data power, they hope to exploit the prevailing lack of transparency by developing new high-margin media products & thus salvage their earnings. However, what they should actually be doing, in the interests of their clients is…’ Read More
– What Brands & Publishers Should Know About Facebook’s Developer Conference (Digiday) – ‘Facebook is gradually positioning itself to become the data, media-consumption & sharing backbone for the entire digital media industry by providing the means by which all media is published and accessed. Here’s what brands & publishers need to know about this evolution…’ Read More
– The Chief Marketer of 2016 (CMO) – “A recent global study looking into the future of marketing finds today’s CMOs are struggling with a growing number of digital marketing solutions, touch points & silos of digital data.” But there is hope as they are able to increasingly access the correct skill-sets, marketing tools & technologies to deploy effective data-driven marketing strategies and tactics.”
– 25 Predictions For What Marketing & Advertising Will Look Like in 2020 (FastCoCreate) – “Just as technology consumer behavior will evolve in unpredictable ways between now & 2020, the ways marketers react to—or perhaps influence?—these new developments will also change in ways we can’t fully imagine now. But if anyone can offer a credible forecast for the near-future trends that will change the way brands connect with people, & the way creative companies will work in the next few years, it’s the people who are most influencing the ad & marketing world right now.”
– Agencies Cheating Clients Says Former MediaCom CEO. No S***, Says Me – The AdContrarian offers a wrap & his unique take on former MediaCom CEO Jon Mandel’s recent views regarding rebates & client ‘arrangements’. Have a look at the comment stream too.
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