Article Watch September – ‘Must Reads’ Powered by MediaScope

Posted by IAB Australia On October 02, 2014

Each month Denise Shrivell from MediaScope, curates a series of must read articles and insights for the digital media community.
Legacy Media – The Lost Decade in 6 Charts (MondayNote) – A look at various measures, including stock performance and revenue, in the 10 years since Google’s IPO shows that over this time the newspaper and magazine industry missed almost every train when compared to the digital sphere. “In fairness, some were impossible to catch.”
Building a Programmatic Sales Team (AdExchanger) – “How should publishers set up their sales organisation so they’re equipped to take advantage of an ever-changing landscape which increasingly involves programmatic and data capabilities? The first thing to do is consider which stage your organisation is in & its willingness to adapt, embrace and devote resources to making programmatic a part of the sales offering.”
– ‘The Power of the Bookbook’ – IKEA launched this satirical video  to promote the release of their 200 million catalogues worldwide where they suggest that print is actually a wondrous technology exceeding the power of digital media – boasting “eternal battery life” and pages that “load instantly, with zero lag.” Funny! 
Women in Media Q&A with CEO of NewsLifeMedia – Nicole Sheffield – “It is without a doubt the most exciting, stimulating & exhausting time to be in media” – Read More…
Advertising & Technology: Special Report – The Economist presents this comprehensive 12 page report highlighting how technology is radically changing the advertising business, with profound consequences for both consumers & companies.
Digital People: 5 Years On – From late 2008 to 2013, 108 ‘though-leaders’ from the Australian digital media community were asked to share their views on various industry issues – including their 5 year forecasts.  Several Digital People from 2009 have reflected on their 5 year predictions. As you’ll see it is a ‘long form’ read but worthwhile for the views of some of Australia’s most experienced digital media professionals. It’s amazing how accurate they were 5 years ago – so of coarse they’ve also been asked to look ahead to 2019.
WFA’s Guide to Programmatic Media – The peak industry body for global marketers published this comprehensive guide highlighting how brands can get the most from the new programmatic landscape including a survey of some of the world’s largest advertisers highlighting the steps they have taken to maximize value from the new trading technology.
Everything Marketers Need to Know About the iPhone6 & Watch (AdWeek) – These recently launched devices represent new opportunities for brands and their agencies to develop campaigns with a number of services and features that will impact marketers.
Netflix is Scaring the Living Daylights out of the Australian Media Industry (Quartz) – “Netflix hasn’t launched in Australia—or even spoken publicly about any plans to do so — but it is already freaking out the country’s media establishment.”
Traditional + Interactive Advertising: 13 Examples – a timely look at the integration of traditional media with emerging technology which is creating new opportunities for marketers to reach & interact with their audiences & importantly new revenue streams for often challenged traditional publishers.  See multiple examples where digital media has been combined with outdoor, print, cinema & even aerial advertising. 
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IAB Australia

IAB Australia is the peak trade association for online advertising in Australia. As one of over 43 IAB offices globally and with a rapidly growing membership, the role of the IAB is to support sustainable and diverse investment in digital advertising across all platforms in Australia.
