Consumer Insights Helping to Drive ecommerce Success

On September 07, 2023


The rise of e-commerce and the shift to online shopping has dramatically transformed the retail and media landscape. What’s great to see in the IAB Pureprofile Australian ecommmerce report 2023 is Australian and local retailers maintaining their share and holding ground against global e-commerce players and although consumers have maintained online shopping frequency, sustaining Covid habits, the fact remains nothing is immune to the spiralling cost of living.

As consumers shift to cautious spending coupled with the shift in online purchase drivers, shoppers are looking online for discounts and price comparisons. Both areas have increased significantly and are reasons why consumers are increasingly buying online. 

However, it highlights the importance of the role of online research, discoverability and how consumers are prioritising time to research giving retailers a larger window and opportunity to capture consumers and to capitalise through strategic, owned and paid channels and partnerships.

To get the best results online, it’s important to use a mix of methods and approaches rather than relying solely on one.  Balancing brand-focused and performance-focused strategies is crucial for a high return on investment. Whilst online search is still vital for brands and products, it’s also important to incorporate publishing , comparison and review sites. These platforms help build trust and credibility with users and guide their purchase decisions.

Creating a solid content strategy for your own online channels is essential. Partner with content agencies and others to expand your brand’s online presence. Shoppable advertising is on the rise with many online shoppers (50%) aware of it and making purchases this way. To take full advantage, consider using advertising that both inspires and drives intent, all in one user experience.

