Council Member of the Month: Richard Wolstenholme

Posted by IAB Australia On February 08, 2017

Name: Richard Wolstenholme

IAB Council: Video Council

Involved in the Council since: September 2016

Day job + company: Head of Brand Advertising, Google AUNZ


I joined the Council because: I joined the Council to represent Google, contribute to the development of the video industry beyond my day job, and as a personal growth opportunity.

Recent key projects the Council has accomplished:  Change Management: development and distribution of an industry-wide action plan to transition from Flash to HTLM5; Thought Leadership – White paper on Connected TVs; Education – Glossary of terms for the video industry in Australia.  


Upcoming projects the Council is currently working on: TV Demystified – a four-episode series to build awareness and knowledge of Programmatic TV. Solving for an industry wide single currency for cross-screen video measurement by better aligning different stakeholder groups across the industry.  

What excites me about digital: The seemingly infinite possibilities that digital transformation represents for the benefit of users, business and broader society. I find the pace of this change particularly exciting.

If I wasn’t working in digital, I would be: I’d be somewhere in the world working on a film set for Disney’s biggest franchise. 

IAB Australia
