It seems like the most frequently asked questions these days in the world of Digital Audio are always prefaced with “this may sound like a dumb question but… “Well if intelligence is relative, and everyone’s asking the same questions, then how dumb can they really be? We’ve reached a turning point in digital media where all channels are now available in both an online & offline format.It’s amazing when you think of how far we’ve come in such a short period of time. But we now expect digital media buyers to understand channels & formats that have historically been bought, planned & managed by entire teams dedicated to a single offline medium. Digital teams can’t be expected to provide sage-like advice on a new medium simply because it can be activated through the internet… Education is needed.
I remember my first ever digital campaign (apparently you always remember your first), it was an AdWords campaign for my Dad’s business, and I’d loaded ten of my very own dollars to see if I could break the internet. I remember calling him after to brag about the click thru rate, I’d managed to get 10* brand new visitors to his website. He didn’t believe I’d done it at first (they never do when you brag) but I showed him the reports. I was so focused on the action (clicks) that I hadn’t paid much attention to the rest. There were over 5,000* impressions delivered, and he was amazed that so many had seen the ad for his business. The concept of measuring this on reach hadn’t yet occurred to me and has never left me. I guess I just got lucky…
Audio (like numbers) can tell a wonderful story if you choose the right adventure, but we can’t expect people to know the way. The IAB Audio Council has drafted the Digital Audio Buyer’s Guide to assist the industry in learning the benefits & nuances of one of our oldest mediums now being available through Internet Connected devices. For too long we’ve spoken different languages expecting to be understood by all.
Audio is the corridor to people’s minds in a screenless environment. It’s a friend, a companion, a trusted advisor, an energiser, an empathiser… Audio makes you laugh, makes you sing, makes you cry, and now if you ask nicely it’ll actually buy your groceries! Smart Speakers have brought Audio listening back into the home. The ubiquity we can expect in the next 12 months means having an audio strategy has never been more important for brands. Education is needed… We can’t expect everyone to be an expert in the difference between Streaming & Podcast technologies overnight.
But this clever little table can get you started, on the path to your first Digital Audio campaign.
People say you always remember your first, mine was seen by over 10,000* users on the internet.
*numbers inflate with each story retelling
The IAB Audio Buyer’s Guide is available to download here: https://www.iabaustralia.com.au/guidelines-and-best-practice/guidelines-best-practice/item/3-guidelines-and-best-practice/2791-digital-audio-buyer-s-guide-august-2019