The presentation from the day can be downloaded here.
This event brought together publishers, agencies, ad tech players and marketers in Brisbane where IAB Australia and industry experts provided an update the key areas of digital advertising.
Welcome: Xavier Amouroux, CMO, QUT
Revenue, Consumers & Commerce Market Trends:
Presenter: Gai Le Roy, CEO, IAB Australia
Q&A with Jem Salcedo, Head of Sales ANZ, Azerion
Product, Data & Privacy Update:
Presenter: Jonas Jaanimagi, Head of Tech, IAB Australia
Q&A with Rahila Nadir, Senior Platform Solutions Lead, Yahoo
Panel: Local Views on Key Industry Topics
Moderator: Vikki Pearce, Head of Digital, Zenith
Aimee Gossage – Sales Director, MiQ
Rich Howells – National Digital Commercial Director, ARN
Alison Costello –Chief Transformation Officer, OMD
Amy Jansen-Flynn, Country Manager AUNZ, Adform
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