The annual IAB Australia Data & Privacy Summit event looked closely at all the latest themes and trends related to data & privacy in terms of both the opportunities and the responsibilities across the digital advertising industry.

Session 1: Consumer Privacy and Regulatory updates
Presented by:
Sarah Waladan - Director of Policy & Regulatory Affairs, IAB Australia
Jonas Jaanimagi - Technology Lead, IAB Australia
Key takeouts from our Privacy session include:
- Following the Attorney-General’s Department’s Privacy Act Review Report in February last year, and the Government’s response in September, the Attorney-General announced that we will see draft legislation to overhaul the Privacy Act in August.
- Industry is calling on the Government to engage in consultations with industry, in-line with the commitment provided in its September response, to ensure that the proposals can be implemented in a way that is feasible and that ensures that privacy safeguards are appropriately balanced with potential consequences and regulatory burden for the industry.
- As it stands, the industry still has a number of concerns in relation to the definitions of PI and targeting, and the proposals on trading, the fair and reasonable requirement and the direct right of action.
- IAB will be looking to ensure the remaining concerns are addressed over the coming months so that the reforms are feasible, to strengthen the privacy regulatory framework, and so that our industry can continue to fund critical content and services online.
Key takeouts from our update from Jonas Jaanimagi:
Consent Signals - a review of approaches for Europe's GDPR and California's CCPAFor further reading:
A review of the 3 approaches post third-party cookie deprecation, including handy links to related explainers:
- ID-Enabled Responsible Addressability
- Contextual & Seller Defined Audiences
- On-Device Facilitated Personas
ID-Enabled Responsible Addressability (linked data)
Activation, targeting and measurement managed via robust and persistent ID solutions to enable identifying consensual users across multiple devices and platforms. This allows advertisers to track users' behaviour and preferences over time and deliver relevant targeted advertising. Importantly these persistent IDs are built from consented, anonymised and encrypted PII data (such as an email address) and will adhere to any forthcoming regulatory changes if implemented and managed competently.
Data Collaboration Platforms Explainer
First Party Data Handbook
ID Explainer Guide & Matrix of Providers (updated version to be published soon)
IAB Tech Lab Identity Solutions Guidance
Contextual & Seller Defined Audiences (unlinked data)
The traditional approach of using contextual targeting to target consumers based upon the content they have been consuming rather than cookie information stored on their browser, remains 100% future-proof. Additionally, IAB’s Seller Defined Audiences (SDA) are a way for sellers to enable audience buying for buyers though advertising based on groups of users, without revealing individual user identities.
Contextual Targeting Handbook
Seller-Defined Audiences Explainer
On-Device Facilitated Personas (unlinked data)
These are the range of ever-evolving APIs from the major tech players that are striving to enable the mechanics of digital marketing in a privacy-preserving manner by leveraging the capabilities of browsers and mobile devices as secure environments for consumers, and facilitators of cohort-based marketing solutions. Many of these proposals are in beta or endlessly evolving and each are slightly ad-hoc. Rather than having DSPs creating targeting attributes collection of data via identifiers (such as 3rd party cookies) user data will instead remain on-device and be anonymised, aggregated and synced to ad tech via APIs. Examples are Microsoft’s Ad Selection API for Edge, Apple's SKAdNetwork and Private Click Measurement for iOS & Google’s various Privacy Sandbox APIs such as Topics, Protected Audience and Attribution Reporting.
ATT Insights & Recommendations
Chrome’s Third-Party Cookie Phaseout
Microsoft’s Ad Selection API
Session 2: Responsible Data Collection, Data Management & Data Collaboration
In session two we had a joint presentation from News Corp Australia and Adobe on best practices with regards to data collection, management and collaboration via Data Clean Rooms.
Paul Blackburn, Director Commercial Data, Video and Product - News Corp
Gabbi Stubbs, APAC Strategy and Product Marketing - Adobe
This was then followed by a representative industry panel to discuss these topics in more detail.
Rick Knott, ANZ General Manager - InfoSum
Daniella Harkins, GTM Senior Vice President - LiveRamp
Chris Eden, ANZ Head of Programmatic Media - Google
Vanya Mariani, Commercial Director of Media - Carsales
Danny Tyrrell, Chief Operating & Product Officer - DataCo
Chris Brinkworth, Managing Partner - Civic Data (moderator)
Session 2 key topics:
- Industry players collaborating on enhanced measurement and analytics.
- Clean room investments that are sustainable for the longer term.
- Durable solutions for programmatic buyside.
Session 3: Responsible Addressability, Data Activation & Targeting
In session three we had a joint presentation on first party data activation and the resulting returns on ad spends from a large broadcaster & Partner.
Presenter: Phil Hammond, Head of Commercial Data - Paramount ANZ
This was then followed by a representative industry panel to discuss these topics in more detail.
Lorraine Donnelly, Data Strategy Lead - Yahoo Advertising
Anna Bohler, Head of Digital Experience - Big Red Group
Nick Hinchley, Head of Data & Tech - EssenceMediacom
Emily Smith, Head of Commercial Transformation - Paramount ANZ
Isabella Spragg, ANZ Data Partnerships Director - The Trade Desk
Rachida Murray, Chief Digital Officer - Spark Foundry (moderator)
Session 3 key topics:
- How to competently leverage First Party Data.
- Strategies to mitigate the implications of cookie deprecation and signal loss.
- Mitigating forthcoming regulation changes, managing privacy concerns and mitigating data security concerns.