IAB Australia Digital AdOps Melbourne

Recent Events
Wednesday, 15 November 2023
11.45am - 7pm
PwC Melbourne, Level 19, 2 Riverside Quay, Southbank

The Melbourne Digital AdOps event was held on Wednesday November 15th and covered topics from both a local and global perspective that are affecting the digital advertising industry from product, programmatic, operational and people perspectives. 

Photos from the event are below, with the full gallery available here.


11.45am: Registration & Lunch

12.30pm: Welcome & Industry Updates 

Jonas Jaanimagi, Technology Lead – IAB Australia

12:50pm KeynoteGenerative AI and the Future of this Exciting Technology

Rupert Walsh, Chief Technology Officer - InnovateGPT

Generative AI is a powerful technology that can create and transform content in various domains, such as text, images, videos, and code. In this session, you will learn about both state of the art and also the future of generative AI, beyond ChatGPT, Google Bard and the like. You will discover how generative AI is shaping the media landscape, enabling new forms of expression and communication, and changing the game for business professionals and consumers. Whether you are a media practitioner, a business leader, or a curious learner, you will find this session informative and inspiring. Don’t miss this opportunity to hear how generative AI is transforming the world as we know it.

1.40pm: Industry Panel on AI in Digital Advertising

We will hear from a panel of industry experts on the current trends, pros and potential cons of AI in Digital Advertising. 

Renee Stopps, ANZ Sales Director - Microsoft Advertising
Scott Thomson, Head of Innovation & Customer Engineering - Google
Adam O’Neill, Country Director - Public AI
Maija Gwynn, Digital Director - Lexlab
Kali Guillas, Lead Director of Client Strategy - The Trade Desk

Jonas Jaanimagi, Technology Lead - IAB Australia (moderator)

2.15pm: Networking Break (Sponsored by Google)

2.40pm: Programmatic Supply Chain Evolution 

In this session we'll review how the supply chain has evolved recently as buyers look to gain more direct access to their preferred supply with reduced hops and intermediaries, and sellers work to build first party audiences and enrich their supply with verified high-quality data to protect yields. How sellers are offering premium audiences to buyers is also evolving, and we will discuss key trends and what we expect to see through 2024 for programmatic advertising as a result. 

Introductory Presentation: 'The Future of Supply Chain Dynamics', Alba Marco - Yahoo

Industry Panel:

Alba Marco, Head of Supply Partnerships - Yahoo
Luke Smith, Head of Programmatic Sales & Audiences - Seven West Media
Amelia Ward, Senior Buyer Development Director - Index Exchange
Ashton De Santis, Inventory Partnerships Director - The Trade Desk
Daniella Kenney - Independent Media, Audiences & Programmatic Expert

Jonas Jaanimagi, Technology Lead - IAB Australia (moderator)

3.40pm: Best Practices & Case Studies for Advertising in and around Gaming

In this session we’ll review some key insights into Gaming and related case studies, best practices and recommendations for marketers.

This session will also include a collaborative presentation from members of the IAB Australia Gaming Working Group. 

Working Group Presentation: 'How to Activate Game Advertising in a Seamless, Accessible and Measurable manner' - Yun Yip, iion & Daniel Walsh, Scroll Media

Industry Panel:

Yun Yip, Chief Commercial Officer - iion
Daniel Walsh, Group Sales Manager - Scroll Media
Caitlin Huskins, JAPAC Commercial Director - Azerion
Charles Dangibeaud, Product Director - GroupM
Sasha Smith, Chief Media Officer - Howatson+Company

Jonas Jaanimagi, Technology Lead - IAB Australia (moderator)

4.20pm: Networking Break (Sponsored by Google)

4.45pm: Careers Session - Embracing Diversity and Inclusion to Build Great Teams 

In this session we will look at the topic of cultural inclusiveness and examine some of the challenges that our industry members have experienced in the past. We'll share what they have learnt and look to provide insights as to how embracing diversity can enable a sense of belonging, generate more authentic inputs from people and allow for true creativity. We will also be seeking feedback and engagement from our attendees on the day including via the interactive Slido Q&A tool (which can also be anonymous if preferred).

Michael Wretham-Brown, Head of Digital & Transformation - Match & Wood
Renee Murray, Head of People & Culture - Half Dome
Akib Hasan, Senior Platform Strategy Lead - Yahoo
Sara Müller, Sales Manager - Adform
Abdul Yacin, CEO & Co-Founder - FitFlo
Gai Le Roy, CEO - IAB Australia (moderator)

5.25pm: Closing notes - Nathan Ferrugia, Senior Tech Ops Specialist, REA Group

5.30pm - 7pm: Networking Drinks (Sponsored by Google)

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