MeasureUp 2020 Day 3: Building resilient brands

Recent Events
Thursday, 22 October 2020

MeasureUp 2020 Day 3 (full video):

Managing Brands Through Turbulent Times:

Kirsten Riolo – Director & Service Line Lead Social Intelligence & Analytics, Ipsos

Kathy Benson – Chief Client Officer, Ipsos

Lessons from academia: marketing metrics, performance, and opportunities:
Dr. Ofer Mintz – Senior Lecturer and Associate Head of the Marketing Department, UTS

Should brands and marketers play an active role in societal change? (panel):
Megan Brownlow – Full-time Non Executive Director and Consultant
Howard Parry Husbands- CEO, Pollinate
Geetanjali Saluja – Lecturer, UTS Business School
Sophie Finn – General Manager of Brand and Advertising, Allianz
Lia Robinson – Client Partner Spark, Foundry

IAB MeasureUP Award Winner for Best cultural, societal or consumer behaviour research:

Are Media

