2019 State of e-Commerce, Asia Pacific

Posted by Christian Manie On November 11, 2019

According to eMarketer, the global e-commerce market is forecasted to grow 21% in 2019 to $3.54 trillion. The Asia-Pacific (APAC) region alone will account for 64% of total e-commerce sales worldwide this year, a 25% Year-on-Year (YoY) growth.

In addition, the APAC market will drive 78% of global m-commerce sales in 2019. For brands to succeed in APAC, understanding the nuances of device use, consumer behaviour and consumer preferences within the region is key.

This is why Rakuten Marketing surveyed 4,500 consumers across nine key markets within APAC. Responses are featured from Australia, China, Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea, Malaysia and New Zealand. In addition, this year responses from Japan and India were added.

The research delivered findings in the following three sections:

1) Where are consumers buying?

2) What are consumers buying?

3) How are Asia-Pacific consumers engaging with brands?

Each section is broken down into each of the nine markets, to highlight both the unique and shared behaviours and preferences of shoppers in APAC.


Download the report here.

Christian Manie
