AdNear research reveals the shopper trends & behaviour differences amongst grocery shoppers & general shoppers across different cities in Australia

Posted by Sowmya Achar On April 10, 2015

The Shopper Research across five key cities in Australia- Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide & Perth has been done by AdNear using Mobile Tracking for the time period, February, March and April 2014.

The study reveals the trends & behaviour differences amongst grocery shoppers & general shoppers across different cities.

We saw a major skew towards Melbourne & Sydney in both shopper categories due to the market size. Women dominated the shopping landscape but by a much higher margin in the general shopping bucket. The Grocery Shopping mix saw 54% Females compared to 70% Females in the General Shopping mix.

Homemakers & Professionals were found to be the top segments doing grocery shopping, with majority of it happening on Thursday evenings in the second week of the Month. Grocery shopping slowed down on the weekends compared to weekdays.

Melbourne & Sydney had almost 2x affluent in their audience mix compared to the other cities for general shopping. Professionals topped the shopping segment table in Sydney compared to Homemakers in Melbourne. While Adelaide & Brisbane saw a dip in the last two weeks of the month, other cities had a more even trend. Thursday evenings were popular amongst general shoppers too, but even Sundays were popular shopping days in Melbourne & Sydney.

Companies striving to achieve or sustain high engagement with their customers would find interesting insights on shopping behaviour in the report.

AdNear is able to get the accurate location of Mobile devices with privacy of the user intact, using its proprietary location technology. The reservoir of location data is then analysed to build audiences over a period of time.

Sowmya Achar
