Bethanie Scoops WA Marketing Awards. Bethanie

Posted by Lucy Halliday On September 06, 2013

6 September, 2013 – Companies from around the state gathered last night to celebrate the best marketing campaigns in WA at the 2013 Australian Marketing Institute Awards for Marketing Excellence.

Held at the UWA Club in Crawley, well known Western Australian brands, including Curtin University, Murdoch University and the RAC gathered to see how they fared in 17 marketing categories, which recognised and rewarded outstanding examples of marketing programmes.

Bethanie, Western Australia’s largest not-for-profit aged care services provider, scooped the pool winning 2 out of the 4 categories they were nominated for.

The award wins included:
• Marketing on a Shoestring: for their $1000 campaign to fill 65 aged care packages in South West.
• Internal Marketing: for “Culture Counts” L6.

The Shoestring campaign was savvy marketing initiative which saw Bethanie achieve a 100% occupancy rate for their EACH and EACH-D packages. The results also saw a waiting list of clients requiring Bethanie EACH and EACH-D packages, a situation never before experienced by the business in these packages.

The Culture Counts campaign focused on the management of staff and the Bethanie culture. With over 1,500 staff, Bethanie CEO Stephen Besci saw that managing the internal culture of Bethanie was paramount to its success, and as a result a solid internal marketing program to manage this was born.

Bethanie Marketing and Brand Manager Chris Frame said, “Working with tight budgets is a regular thing within the aged care market, but through smart insights and a dedicated, motivated team in the South West, we were able to help 65 new people get access to aged care services, something I am very proud of.”

Bethanie were also announced as national finalists in the Brand Revitalisation and the New Brand, Product or Service categories for their new logos and new Social Connector program. As a result, the Bethanie team will fly to Sydney next month to attend the national final at the National Australian Marketing Institute Annual Conference.

Bethanie CEO Stephen Becsi said, “Bethanie is a client focused company. As a culture driven CEO, I am very proud to see the wonderful work we have done to create a dynamic, energetic and motivated team, who offer outstanding care to our residents and clients, recognised in the way.”

The Gala Awards Presentation Dinner will be held at the Hilton Hotel, Sydney on October 6, 2013.


For further information or interview opportunities, please contact:
Lauren Kelly on or 9226 2222

About the awards:
Australian Marketing Institute Awards for Marketing Excellence
The annual Australian Marketing Institute Awards for Marketing Excellence are presented to those organisations and marketers who have achieved extraordinary success from innovative and effective marketing practices, having regard to the particular circumstances of difference industries, budgets and the diversity of marketing programs.

Lucy Halliday
