Brightcove: What makes an Outstanding Video Player?

Posted by Christian Manie On October 05, 2016

Online video viewing continues to experience dramatic growth across all platforms. But this increase in viewing is matched by an increase in consumer expectations of the viewing experience. Slow load time frustrates consumers, who may opt to close a player rather than wait for the first frame to appear—squandering a publisher’s monetization opportunities and potentially damaging its brand. And, video players have historically relied on Adobe Flash, which has a host of speed and performance issues (e.g. it doesn’t work well on mobile devices, and performs inconsistently across browsers). 

All of these risks stem from one piece of technology that publishers must use in order to offer video content: the video player. And, if a video player isn’t fast and flexible, a publisher’s ability to take advantage of monetization opportunities will be hindered.


Brightcove’s approach is built around extensibility—enabling publishers to customize the video player and ad experience to meet their business requirements and the needs of their advertisers—both current and anticipated.  As a starting point, just as the player is customizable with standard
CSS, HTML and JavaScript, it is also built to support recognized and widely used and
flexible standards including VAST, VMAP, VPAID, with an early emphasis on HTML5 VPAID.

• Standards-Based. As a starting point, just as the player is customizable with standard
CSS, HTML and JavaScript, it is also built to support recognized and widely used and
flexible standards including VAST, VMAP, VPAID, with an early emphasis on HTML5 VPAID.

Christian Manie
