Criteo: CPG & Grocery trend report

Posted by Christian Manie On April 03, 2017

There are no more valuable ecommerce carts than those devoted to grocery. Unlike every other category, grocery has no true seasonality of purchase. The items bought may vary between holidays like the Fourth of July and Christmas, but, chances are, shoppers will place that liter of cola in their carts each week no matter what time of year it is.

Online grocery is finally starting to take off in the U.S. thanks to a desire for simpler lives and the fact that it is the last frontier of ecommerce. Online grocery is the only area expected to grow in CPG sales over the next few years. Brands in this category need to adapt their marketing practices, honed through decades of experience, to engage with their customers online in a new way in order to make it into those all-important persistent carts of their dreams.

Download the full report here.

Christian Manie
