Delivering on the Promise of Mobile Video

Posted by Tahlia Manners On October 06, 2015

The stakes for publishers and advertisers are higher with mobile video than preceding formats, because consumers have greater expectations for high quality, relevant experiences. One bad mobile video ad can ruin a consumer’s content experience in seconds. For advertisers, mobile video offers more creative flexibility and, by utilizing touch screens, the opportunity to engage with consumers in a more immersive content environment. Publishers, in turn, benefit from higher CPMs and attractive new inventory to offer buyers. The potential opportunities in mobile video are significant, but hurdles stand in the way of mobile video advertising reaching fruition.

In order to address these challenges, PubMatic released the second in a series of three Mobile Point of View (mPOV) studies, Delivering on the Promise of Mobile Video.The paper breaks down the current state of mobile video within the greater context of digital media and the role of key stakeholders: publishers, buyers, technology providers and media consumers.

Tahlia Manners
