Experian: Digital Consumer Insights 2018

Posted by Steven Poyser On January 31, 2019

As consumers move along the digitalisation curve, the online shift of their interactional, transactional and even personal lives present a blurred line of a trade-off between convenience and security.

Experian’s Digital Consumer Insights 2018 report helps organisations understand this ambiguity through consumer behavioural thresholds and preferences in data sharing, privacy and fraud management practices – allowing organisations to effectively define perimeters and consider appropriate solutions which allow for efficient consumer engagement in secure and convenient environment.

Key highlights of the report include:

  • The 3 dimensions and 9 behaviours relating to fraud incidence and mitigation strategies
  • The Consumer Fraud Response Cycle – a deeper understanding of the interplay between the 3 dimensions
  • Digital Pragmatist vs. Digital Voyagers – the trade-offs in consumer decision making around data privacy, data quality and fraud tolerance

Download it here

Steven Poyser
