Let’s go to the Digital Circus

Posted by Sophie Paulin On March 31, 2015

Media Circus have partnered with UK digital specialists Navigate Digital, bringing a fresh take on Affiliate Marketing to Australia.

Both firms are known for their straight talking, transparent and diligent approach. Media Circus’ knowledge of the Australian media and digital landscape and Navigate Digital’s expertise in Affiliate Marketing means the partnership is a natural fit.

This joining of forces couldn’t be could not be better timed. Australian consumers are tech savvy and spend an increasing amount of time online engaging with content. 13.5m Australians streamed video and on average 36 hours were spent online per person in January (Nielsen Market Intelligence, January 2015).  In the 12 months to January 2015 online retail was worth AUD 16.4bn (NAB, January 2015). Further, General Display advertising, which is expenditure on banner ads, affiliate marketing programmes, partnerships, sponsorships, and email grew by 25.2% in 2014 to 1,409m AUD (IAB Online Advertising Expenditure Report, December 2014).

If you’d like to learn more about the partnership or Affiliate Marketing please contact msheppard@navigatedigital.com or sophie@mediacircus.net

Sophie Paulin
