LinkedIn introduces Targeted Updates and Follower Statistics – signs new customers. LinkedIn

Posted by Lucy Halliday On April 23, 2012

LinkedIn – the world’s largest professional network with more than 150 million members worldwide – is furthering its commitment to help brands build a more effective follower ecosystem in a business context with the launch of LinkedIn Targeted Updates and Follower Statistics. LinkedIn has signed on a select group of early release partners – including including Dell, Microsoft, and Samsung Mobile – who will be immediately using these new follower tools.

What this means:

This initial group of marketers will have access to:

1. The most robust targeting and analytics capabilities for their campaign initiatives on the platform from their LinkedIn Company Pages.
2. They will be able to create hyper-focused follower lists – based on categories such Industry, Seniority, Job Function, Company Size, Non-company Employees, and Geography – to which they can deliver highly relevant content to increase engagement.
3. Marketers will have self-service access to an insights dashboard that will allow them to assess their follower acquisition efforts; track engagement metrics, including likes, shares, comments, and percentage engagement, over time; and review their followers’ demographic information.

About LinkedIn’s Follower Ecosystem:
– LinkedIn’s Unique Follower Ecosystem: LinkedIn’s follower ecosystem has been designed to enable marketers to: identify and acquire the right followers; more effectively engage and communicate with followers on a regular basis via relevant content; and analyse and optimise the impact of their follower relationships.
– LinkedIn’s Follow Company Button: The LinkedIn Follow Company button was launched in February as the first phase of LinkedIn’s follower ecosystem strategy. LinkedIn Targeted Updates and the Follower Statistics tab’s launch follows on the heels the Follow Company button.

About LinkedIn Members and the Value of LinkedIn’s Follower Ecosystem:

– Members expect companies to have a presence and engage on LinkedIn:
– 63% of LinkedIn members expect companies to have a presence on LinkedIn.
– Members are “following” companies and want to maintain these relationships:
– 70% of LinkedIn members follow or would follow companies on LinkedIn.
– Two out of three LinkedIn followers (64%) would follow companies “indefinitely.”
– Followers are active on LinkedIn:
– LinkedIn followers are 2x more connected than the average member.
– LinkedIn followers are in 2x more LinkedIn groups than the average member.
– Engaging followers on LinkedIn significantly impacts brand metrics:
– Half (49%) of current followers state that they are more likely to purchase products or services from a company that is more engaged with its followers.
– Members are motivated to follow companies on LinkedIn in contrast to other social platforms:
– Half (47%) of current followers agree that LinkedIn is a more appropriate social environment for hearing company news and updates.

Lucy Halliday
