Mobile devices to leapfrog computers in bringing e-commerce to Australians. Marin Software

Posted by Lucy Halliday On February 13, 2013

You can access the full report below.

Australia, February 13, 2013 – Tablets and Smartphones are fast becoming an e-commerce powerhouse. According to a report released today by Marin Software, provider of a leading revenue acquisition management platform for advertisers and agencies, advertisers globally invested more in search ads on tablets and smartphones during the final quarter of 2012 than ever before. Marin’s data indicates that, in the US, tablets will account for 20 per cent of Google’s paid search ad clicks by December 2013, up from 10.7 per cent in December 2012. Marin predicts that, fueled by consumers’ increasing use of tablets to research goods and services and make purchases online, the conversion rate of search ads originating from tablets will eclipse those of desktops before year end.

The report shows Australian consumers are also steadily increasingly turning to mobile devices to research goods and services, and to make purchases online. Across the reported region, Australia had the highest penetration of click share from tablet devices at 9.3 per cent and second highest on smartphones at 11.7 per cent. Marin found that, in terms of spend on mobile devices, Australian advertisers spent the most on tablet devices (at 8.0 per cent) and second most on smartphones (at 8.8 per cent). The report finds that Australians favor smartphones, with the highest click through rate (4.0 per cent) for the region, with tablets coming in third.

More than ever advertisers are battling for consumer wallet-share on mobile devices and in concurrence Marin is seeing ad budgets and the cost-per-click (CPC) of ads served on mobile devices rising, with Australia being the most expensive by a long-shot.

News Facts:
• Marin’s report shows Australian consumers are increasingly turning to mobile devices to research goods and services, and to make purchases online.
• Marin finds that, in the US consumer adoption of tablets is driving growth in paid search clicks. During 2012, Marin found the share of overall paid search clicks served by Google on tablets increased from 6% to 10.7%. Marin projects by the end of 2013 that tablets’ share of paid search clicks will nearly double, accounting for 20% of total paid search ads clicks.
• By December 2013, Marin estimates that conversion rates from tablet ads will surpass those of desktop ads.
• Marin Software’s annual report, “Mobile Search Advertising around the Globe,” outlines key trends, projections and optimisation strategies for advertisers seeking to get the most from their mobile paid-search campaigns. The full report can be downloaded here.

• “On a global level, Marin Software found for brands studied that tablet ads have favorable performance characteristics relative to desktop ads,” said Nick Gill, managing director of Marin Software Australia. “Right now Australia is demonstrating a slightly different trend than what is occurring in the rest of the world with Marin’s data indicating that the average CTR in Australia for campaigns on mobile devices is on par with that of desktop computers. However, I predict this is going to change with mobile devices continue to show great promise for advertisers in Australia given the strong CTR and lower Cost Per Click (CPC) than desktop computers.”
• “Solid user engagement combined with favorable performance characteristics make search ads on tablets hard to resist for advertisers.”

About Marin Software:
Marin Software provides a leading digital ad management platform used by advertisers and agencies. Offering an integrated platform for search, social, display, and mobile marketing, Marin helps advertisers and agencies improve financial performance, save time, and make better decisions. Headquartered in San Francisco, with offices located worldwide including Sydney, Marin’s technology powers marketing campaigns in more than 160 countries. Marin Australia’s clients include Lasoo, IKON and Open Universities. For more information, please visit:

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Lucy Halliday
