New Member Q&A: Shirofune

On September 25, 2024

Every now and then we like to highlight a new IAB Australia member that we think our community will find interesting. Today we meet Shirofune. Responses are from Mitsunaga Kikuchi, Shirofune's CEO and Founder:

Please give us some historical background to Shirofune as a company and your journey thus far

Shirofune has been improving its algorithms over the past 10 years with the goal of replicating the thought processes and actions of human experts in ad operations. These algorithms are built into our automated bidding/budget adjustment, optimisation proposals, and automated analysis reports, providing value to agencies and brands by minimising operational effort while maximizing results.

In recent years, we have been leading the industry's evolution from evaluating and optimising ads based solely on short-term ROAS and lead acquisition, to integrating CRM and/or E-commerce platform data for LTV-based evaluation and optimisation.

Tell us a little bit about your Shirofune mission and vision

Our vision is to create a world where anyone can easily maximize the potential of digital advertising with minimal effort. To achieve this, we aim not only to continue optimising the major ad platforms we currently support but also to work with a broader range of stakeholders in the digital advertising industry, including updating the creative process with designers and improving the value proposition of publishers' ad inventories.

This will help maximise the potential of digital advertising as a whole.

Do you have a particular 'hero product' or unique proposition that you are most proud of?

We are proud that Shirofune offers a simple user interface that can be used by anyone, regardless of the size of their operation, while maintaining the quality of an enterprise-level product and algorithm that helps our larger clients achieve even greater results.

Additionally, we take pride in our recent efforts to provide LTV-based ad evaluation and optimisation features, setting a new industry standard.

Shirofune are offering a unique free trial period and discount for IAB Australia members to try your product. Tell us a bit more about this please?

We are offering IAB Australia members a unique 2-month free trial of Shirofune, along with a permanent 30% discount. To find out more please just get in touch by email with our local rep here

Please tell us what, as a child, you wanted to be when you 'grew up'?

The protagonist of a Japanese manga - i.e. someone who pursues their own sense of justice.
