New Member Q&A: Sportsmate

On February 01, 2022

Every now and then we like to highlight a new IAB Australia member that we think our community will find interesting. Today we meet Sportsmate.

Written by Mike Morris, General Manager, Sportsmate. 

Please give us some historical background to the company

Established in 2009, we’ve developed 7 trusted apps across major sporting codes, including Footy LIVE, League LIVE, NBA LIVE (Basketball), Union LIVE, NFL LIVE, EPL LIVE and A-League LIVE. We deliver the latest news, stats, in-depth analysis and podcasts to ~1.1M monthly active users through a simple interface that supports strong engagement.

Please tell us a little bit about your company’s mission and vision?

Sportsmate puts leading brands in the hands of thousands of fans every day. Our trusted Apps offer a unique way for brands to engage with up to 1million fans per month across the leading codes. We connect with your audience by aligning your message to a powerful sports narrative or code positioning that is relevant & timely, so fans care and connect with it. Our platform makes it easy for fans to find, follow and interact with the latest content & statistics before, during and after the live game, offering a targeted way to connect and communicate, cost effectively.

Do you have a particular ‘hero product’ that you are most proud of?

We are proud of the trusted & deep connection that fans have with all our products.

What area of digital do you personally work in and how do you hope to enhance this within your business?

I work across commercial and content. I’m in the business of story telling through sport, developing cost effective solutions that support and optimise brand reach, relevance and reputation throughout the digital decision making funnel.

Please tell us what, as a child, you wanted to be ‘when you grew up’?

Sport was always passion, my North Star and focus. However, my playing ambition was not matched by my ability, so I worked hard to stay involved behind the scenes instead, forging a career path in the business of sport instead of on the pitch.
