Nielsen captures device level online consumer insights. Nielsen

Posted by Lucy Halliday On May 22, 2013

Sydney, Australia May 22, 2013 – For the first time in Australia, advertisers, agencies and publishers are able to understand at a competitive level which devices consumers are using to engage with ad supported content across the online market, following the recent launch of device module reporting and analytics in Nielsen Online Ratings.

Nielsen’s device module reports that during the first half of May, 25 percent of all user sessions were generated from mobile phones, tablet accounted for 9 percent of all sessions and the largest share remained with computers which accounted 65 percent of user sessions.

Monique Perry, Commercial Director – Media, Nielsen, says that this ability to breakdown online consumer behaviour overnight by device and operating system is a game-changer for participants in the Australian media industry. “With the rise in mobile and tablet device ownership, consumers want to access their favourite online content, when they want it, wherever they are, with whatever device suits them at the time. Understanding this rapidly changing consumer behaviour on a timely and granular basis is fundamental and valuable information for marketers.”

Nielsen’s new device module provides daily device level information across all sites and categories in Nielsen Market Intelligence and shows whether consumers are accessing online content by computer, mobile, table and console as well which operating system, and specific device they are using. For example, a report could be run on total traffic to and – that traffic could then be broken down by which traffic was from iOS or Android operating system and whether they accessed from an iPad or a Samsung Galaxy. As a part of this launch, Nielsen will consolidate all Mobile Market Intelligence reporting under Australian Domestic Market Intelligence.

According to the PricewaterhouseCoopers – IAB Online Advertising Expenditure Report, online advertising on smartphones and tablets has grown 182 percent year-on-year during the quarter ending March 2013, almost tripling the total mobile market from $13.0 million in quarter ending March 2012, to $36.6 million this quarter.

Commenting on the launch, Gai Le Roy, Director of Research, IAB Australia, said: “With the proliferation of devices for media consumption it is important for marketers to understand how people are consuming content across these devices. The new device module in Nielsen Market Intelligence will provide the market with granular and timely device specific data for sites that are listed within this product.”

While Mobile gets a quarter of all sessions it only accounts for 14 percent of page impression traffic reflecting the shorter, more functional sessions that tend to occur on a phone.

The large screens gain a higher page impression engagement at this aggregate level – computers generate 76 percent of all page impressions and tablet gain 9 percent.

User sessions on a tablet device shows that News & Information and Entertainment are the top two leading categories; for Entertainment there are on average 34 percent more sessions on weekends than weekdays. Looking at one of the sub categories of entertainment – Home and Fashion generated one third of total sessions from a mobile or tablet device.

“We saw an interesting increase in sessions for the Entertainment category when comparing weekdays with weekends,” noted Perry. “There was a combined 34 percent jump in sessions from mobile and tablet on weekends over the period 1-15 May. This lines up with current thinking that people are recreationally browsing on their phone whilst out and about on the weekend and that tablet usage within the home is higher on weekends. The ability for companies to understand this activity is paramount to optimising consumer connection opportunities.”

Nielsen Market Intelligence is part of the Nielsen Online Ratings measurement suite, which is endorsed by the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) with the support of the MFA and AANA.


About Device Module Reporting in Nielsen Market Intelligence
Device module reporting includes traffic to Nielsen tagged web pages from all devices; it does not currently include traffic to applications. Nielsen has set up Application Market Intelligence and is working with clients to tag their applications with a plan to make available this capability later this year.

About Nielsen
Nielsen Holdings N.V. (NYSE: NLSN) is a global information and measurement company with leading market positions in marketing and consumer information, television and other media measurement, online intelligence, mobile measurement, trade shows, and related properties. Nielsen has a presence in approximately 100 countries, with headquarters in New York, USA, and Diemen, the Netherlands. For more information, visit

Jackie Helliker
Tel: + 61 403 074 864

Lucy Halliday
