Trifecta for indago digital

Posted by Tom Sadler On June 30, 2015

One of Australia’s fastest growing digital marketing agencies, indago digital have won three new clients in quick succession, adding to an already impressive roster.

In the last quarter, indago digital began working with the Merivale Group, Money3 Group (Including Cash Train) and CreditorWatch, offering SEM, SEO & Google Analytics services.

MD Gary Nissim said, “We’re working hard to keep our clients happy, investing additional resource into their online campaigns to deliver impressive results. It’s that mentality and drive that has provided us with these three referrals and subsequent wins.”

Emily Stevenson, Digital Marketing Manager for the Merivale Group said, “We wanted an agency who shared our passion for digital marketing and it was immediately clear that indago digital had the experience, expertise and enthusiasm to work on our vast portfolio of brands.”

Julian Cook, Creative Director for the Money3 Group said, “The short term lending space is one of the most competitive advertising spaces to be in. It is important that we stand out from the crowd and our customers can find us when they need to. indago digital is providing creative solutions which are driving quality traffic and customers to our sites.”

In addition to the three recent wins, MD Gary Nissim has been appointed as ADMA’s, ‘SEM Essentials’ trainer in Sydney and Melbourne. Vanessa Chamley, Head of Education for ADMA said “Gary has re-vamped the course, made it more interactive and we’ve had some impressive feedback.”

For further information on indago digital please visit

Tom Sadler
