Sydney, 13 December 2012: The Monkeys has won IAB Australia’s Creative Showcase 7.3 with Reverse Robberies. This audacious campaign for OAK Milk tapped into the appetite of its fans to identify stores that should be forcibly stocked with OAK Milk. As well as driving a 50 percent increase in fans, the campaign resulted in 60 new stores stocking OAK Milk.
Second place in Creative Showcase 7.3 went to Mark, with the assistance of PhD, for Movember Games – a campaign for Google Australia and Movember. Marmalade Melbourne with Mediacom came in third, with a campaign developed for beyond blue entitled Is it Okay to be left handed?
Mike Zeederberg, chair of Creative Showcase Judges and Managing Director of digital strategy agency Zuni said “This round’s winners showcased the ability for digital to create strong awareness, for both commercial and social good.
“The Monkey’s campaign showed how engaging with a committed fan-base through digital can create a strong case for retailers to stock your product. It proved that social media can create positive pressure for brands rather than just the widely reported negative examples.
“Meanwhile the beyondblue and Movember campaigns created engagement with their respective audiences to spread their social message, creating discussion, donations and awareness in a very positive manner,” said Zeederberg.
Reverse Robberies was a very clever response to complaints littered over the OAK Facebook wall from OAK drinkers bemoaning the fact that their beloved drink was disappearing from convenience store fridges. After launching with the first Reverse Robbery which involved forcibly stocking the fridges of an OAK-less convenience store and a Manifesto video, OAK fans were asked to join the fight by nominating their local stores for a Reverse Robbery. The appetite from fans was insatiable with over 3,000 requests for a Reverse Robbery.
The Creative Showcase judges commented: “Distribution is a huge issue in FMCG and one that’s often overlooked by marketing agencies. It’s great to see it tackled head on in a creative manner. The campaign actually had real results – not just more Likes. OAK now sells more of the product and that’s the idea”
Mark’s Movember campaign was developed to help raise awareness of Movember while showcasing the Chrome browser in a fun and innovative way. It involved the creation of four simple motion-tracking games that made the user’s moustache the controller. The games were made possible by Chrome’s integration with HTML5, which means developers no longer need to rely on plugins to access a device’s webcam. One new game was released each week, starting with the Lame-Mo, where players strengthened their mo by lifting and balancing a barbell on their top lip. The games engaged users from around the world, keeping them motivated and entertained through Movember.
Marmalade Melbourne’s Is it okay to be left handed campaign supported beyondblue’s national awareness campaign aimed at reducing discrimination and bullying particularly against young gay, lesbian, bisexual, trans or intersex (GLBTI) people. It involved the production of a two-minute film that followed the plight of a teenage boy who is being ostracised for simply being left-handed. By giving the target demographic of young males permission to feel some sympathy toward a “left handed” boy they were given the tools to show their support without losing face. This led to a highly effective social media campaign.
The bi-monthly IAB Creative Showcase competition series accepts entries for work completed in the two months prior to close of judging for each round and only one campaign per agency is allowed. The winners of each Creative Showcase round will gain automatic entry into the 2013 IAB Awards “Best of the Best” Awards Category.
The Creative Showcase competition is free and easy to enter – entrants simply register and submit the campaign online at www.creativeshowcase.net.au.
7.3 Creative Showcase Winners
Winner: Reverse Robberies
Creative Agency: The Monkeys
Brand Name: OAK Milk
Website: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jfxn8YgBAjA&feature=youtu.be
Second Place: Movember Games
Creative Agency: Mark
Media Agency: PhD
Brand Name: Google Australia / Movember
Website: http://www.movembergames.com
Third Place: Is it okay to be left-handed?
Creative Agency: Marmalade Melbourne
Brand Name: MediaCom
Campaign Overview: http://mediaviewcentre.com/awards/CS/beyondblue/
About the Interactive Advertising Bureau
The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) Limited is the peak trade association for online advertising in Australia and was incorporated in July 2010. As one of over 40 IAB offices globally, and with a rapidly growing membership, IAB Australia’s principal objective is to increase the share of advertising and marketing dollars that interactive media captures in the marketplace.
IAB Australia’s board includes representatives of AIMIA, APN News & Media, Carsales.com, Fairfax Media, Google, Mi9, Network Ten, News Australia Sales, REA Group, SBS, Telstra Media, TressCox Lawyers and Yahoo!7. It has four objectives:
- To develop, coordinate and promote industry standards and guidelines that make interactive advertising a simpler and more attractive medium for agencies, advertisers and marketers
- To prove and promote the effectiveness of interactive advertising to advertisers, agencies, marketers, and the press
- To be the primary advocate for the interactive marketing and advertising industry
- To expand the breadth and depth of IAB membership while increasing direct value to members
For further information about IAB Australia please visit: www.iabaustralia.com.au
For more editorial information please contact:
Pru Quinlan
Einsteinz Communications
T: (02) 8905 0995
E: pru@einsteinz.com.au