Solving Marketers’ Cross-Channel Conundrum – Radium One White Paper in association with IAB Australia

Posted by IAB Australia On October 28, 2014 Media Releases

Marketers have a cross-channel digital conundrum because the consumers they want to connect with distribute their attention across devices and channels. They use the regular web, the mobile web, and mobile apps. Anywhere they can engage with social media and digital video, they do. Plus, for many marketers, the same consumers they’re connecting with online and in-app, they’re also connecting with through email, marketing automation and customer service.

When marketers pursue cross-channel digital marketing, they’re pursuing the ability to engage with consumers on any device or through any display, social, video or mobile channel based on the same set of information. Today, technology can help marketers in this endeavor to stop operating in silos and start engaging based on a holistic view of the consumer. Done right, cross-channel digital marketing helps marketers focus their efforts on what’s really audiences at every moment of opportunity.

The Radium One white paper in association with IAB on cross-channel marketing tackles the issue by addressing the following areas:

1. Collecting all audience data
2. Unifying data into anonymous digital personas
3. Activation of persona-based campaigns
4. Enhancing CRM and DSP data bi-directionally
5. Empowering the marketing teams to pursue best practices

Download the white paper below.


IAB Australia

IAB Australia is the peak trade association for online advertising in Australia. As one of over 43 IAB offices globally and with a rapidly growing membership, the role of the IAB is to support sustainable and diverse investment in digital advertising across all platforms in Australia.
