Dentsu Global Head of OOH to speak at Powering DOOH 2023

On February 14, 2023 Media Releases

IAB Australia and the Outdoor Media Association (OMA) announced today that Ben Milne, Global Head of Out of Home (OOH) Media at dentsu will be the keynote speaker at Powering DOOH 2023.  The event, which is a first ever collaboration between IAB and OMA marks the coming together of traditional and digital media.

Milne brings decades of international experience to the table and has been global head of OOH since December 2021. Prior to moving into the central dentsu role, where he supports all of the group’s media agencies including Carat, iProspect and dentsu X, he held the role of Senior Innovations Strategist and was Managing Director at PSI Advertising. Milne has also held international senior roles at Posterscope including Managing Director in both Tokyo and China, Head of Innovation in the UK, and Head of Platforms and Partnerships in the Asia Pacific. His career at Posterscope spanned over 20 years.

Powering DOOH 2023 will be held on 30 March 2023 at the NSW Teachers Federation in Surry Hills. The one-day conference will bring together digital and OOH agency leads, buyers, planners, and marketers, to delve into the potential of programmatic buying of Digital Out of Home (OOH).
The content will be presented to the digital and OOH buy-side from a crossover perspective, providing evidence to drive strong outcomes for marketers. Attendees will gain a greater understanding of how to assess and optimise their programmatic DOOH investments and why traditional OOH and programmatic OOH are different and complementary.

Powering DOOH 2023 sessions will include an international keynote/fireside chat with Ben Milne, panel discussions and case studies. The range of content will appeal to programmatic novices and ad tech specialists (AM sessions) to the experienced planner/marketer who seeks to know more about strategy and best practice of buying DOOH (PM sessions).

Catered breaks and an end-of-day drinks session will allow for discussion of ideas and interrogating content.
Marketers, agencies, IAB and OMA members can register for a free ticket here.

Contact Jenn Thomas for Sponsorship opportunities;

