Sydney, 29 October 2010: The Interactive Advertising Bureau of Australia (IAB) today announced the appointment of Mark Bamford to its Board. Mr Bamford is a partner with TressCox Lawyers and has over 15 years of experience in private practice working within the media, communications, and entertainment sectors.
In recent months Mr Bamford has been working with IAB Australia on its incorporation process and the development of the Online Audience Measurement tender.
Mr Bamford is also a Board member of the Australian Interactive Media Industry Association (AIMIA).
The appointment is the most recent enhancement of IAB Australia’s Board as it evolves in line with the changing online industry. Earlier this year, three new member company representatives were appointed to the Board; and each year a Board member representative is appointed for a one year term following a membership vote.
Commenting on the appointment, Mr Bamford said: “I am very pleased to become a member of the Board at a time when it is looking to resolve some fundamental issues for the sector.”
Nic Cola, IAB Australia Chairman and Fairfax Digital COO, welcomed Mr Bamford to the Board commenting “IAB Australia is continuing to broaden its representation to ensure it reflects the market dynamics and we are delighted that Mark has accepted our invitation to join the Board. Mark has been heavily involved with the
IAB incorporation process and RFP developments this year and he brings a wealth of experience to the Board. He will be a valuable contributor and I look forward to working with him on key issues for IAB Australia.”
The appointment is effective immediately and Mr Bamford will attend his first Board meeting in November.
About the Interactive Advertising Bureau
The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) Limited is the peak trade association for online advertising in Australia. As one of over 32 IAB offices globally, and with a rapidly growing membership, IAB Australia’s principal objective is to increase the share of advertising and marketing dollars that interactive media captures in the marketplace.
Incorporated in July 2010 by nine founding members – Fairfax Digital, Fox Interactive Media, News Digital Media, ninemsn, REA Group, Ten, Yahoo!7, and Sensis Media Smart – together with the Australian Interactive Media Industry Association (AIMIA), the IAB has four objectives:
• To develop, coordinate and promote industry standards and guidelines that make interactive advertising a simpler and more attractive medium for agencies, advertisers and marketers
• To prove and promote the effectiveness of interactive advertising to advertisers, agencies, marketers, and the press
• To be the primary advocate for the interactive marketing and advertising industry
• To expand the breadth and depth of IAB membership while increasing direct value to members
For further information about IAB Australia please visit: www.iabaustralia.com.au
For more editorial information please contact:
Pru Quinlan or Ashleigh Favaloro
Einsteinz Communications
T: (02) 8905 0995
E: pru@einsteinz.com.au
E: ashleigh@einsteinz.com.au