5 March, 2009: The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) Australia is calling for comments on its newly released draft paper “Industry Standards for Online Audience Measurement Metrics and Data”. The guidelines have been developed to progress standardisation of how audience measurement metrics are quoted and presented. The deadline for comments on the draft standards and guidelines is Friday 13th March 2009.
The guidelines have been developed by the IAB Australia Measurement Council which is tasked with establishing best practice in Australia for online audience measurement. The Measurement Council is one of three recently announced IAB Australia Councils and is continuing the work of the Audience Measurement Blueprint Working Group established in 2008. Council representatives include the heads of Research and Analytics from the five founding IAB members and John Grono representing the MFA.
The paper details 16 guidelines for the use of online audience metrics around the four key areas of sourcing, quoting reach, terminology and audience.
According to IAB Australia’s CEO Paul Fisher, there is an urgent need to standardise and simplify the online audience measurement metrics and he believes the guidelines will be well received by the industry.
“These guidelines represent another clear step forward for IAB Australia in its process of improving the online advertising market. A consistent approach to audience measurement is necessary for us to build upon our foundations and ensure the continued growth of online advertising. I welcome commentary from the industry at large so we can produce a set of guidelines to satisfy Australia’s needs,” said Mr Fisher.
All responses are due by 5pm, 13th March 2009.
About the Interactive Advertising Bureau
IAB Australia officially launched in October 2005 with Australia’s major online publishers – Fairfax Digital, Google, News Digital Media, ninemsn, MediaSmart, and Yahoo!7 – together with the Australian Interactive Media Industry Association (AIMIA) as its founding members. The IAB now has 40 member companies, drawn from a broad spectrum of online advertising and marketing organisations, technology and services companies.
For further information about IAB Australia please visit: https://www.iabaustralia.com.au
For more editorial information please contact:
Pru Quinlan – Einsteinz Communications
T: (02) 8905 0995
E: pru@einsteinz.com.au