IAB Australia is pleased that the ACCC’s Digital Platforms Inquiry final report recognises the importance of an advertising funded model in allowing consumers to freely access a wide range of important content and services. The IAB will closely review the recommendations made in the report and will work actively with both Industry and Government to identify the best approaches to meet the new consumer focused privacy recommendations as well as drive further transparency in the ad tech supply chain.
Consumers have increasingly come to expect that their online experience is customised and relevant to them. As an industry it’s essential therefore that we work together to find the right balance between delivering customised and relevant content and advertising experience to consumers which respects their privacy, while also allowing businesses to operate in a way that allows them to meet those consumers expectations.
Our organisation and Board is well equipped to deliver given its considerable experience driving consumer and industry standards and guidelines locally, while globally, IAB has been a key player working with governments and industry to implement solutions that work for both consumers and business. IAB Australia’s purpose is to drive sustainable and diverse investment in digital advertising in Australia and we look forward to continuing to drive important market initiatives that support this purpose.
Some recent IAB Australia work in relation to data privacy, ad tech transparency and guidance for marketers:
Australian Digital Advertising Practices
Australian Technology Purchase Guidelines
IAB Briefing: GDPR Compliance in the AU Market
The report is available to download below.