26 January, 2009: IAB Australia’s CEO Paul Fisher today outlined its plans for 2009, noting that it will be continuing its aggressive growth plan through the year and will be tackling key issues with a far reaching program of activity and outreach. Immediate announcements centre on several new appointments, the establishment of three IAB Australia Industry Councils and details of two IAB Australia events. Advocacy, industry body liaison, standards and guidelines, events, and policy will all feature heavily through 2009, with further research programs to be unveiled later this quarter.
“The IAB Australia program of activity is intended to provide increased resources to publishers, networks, media agencies, creative agencies and most especially marketers to help support their advertising choices in these challenging months ahead,” said Paul Fisher. “Extensive market research by IAB australia in the past six months has revealed the need and desire for clarity around audience measurement, more local research and case studies to support online advertising, clearly established and agreed standards and guidelines, and more education and training for all.”
Two new IAB Australia appointments have been made, with mcn’s Tim Johnson re-elected by IAB Australia’s members to the rotating IAB Australia Board seat for 2009; and Annik Skelton joining IAB Australia as Manager, Industry Services effective 5th January.
Mr Fisher also announced the formation of three IAB Australia Industry Councils. The Councils, which will be open to IAB members and chaired by Mr Fisher, will be modeled on the highly successful Councils operated by IAB in the US and UK. The three Councils are Research; Standards and Guidelines: and Measurement, which will formalise the working party established in 2008.
Finally, details of IAB Australia’s first two events for 2009 have been outlined. The joint IAB Australia and AIMIA “Future of Digital Advertising” will take place on January 29th at Powerhouse Museum. Featuring an exceptional speaker roster, the half day seminar will explore issues facing marketers, agencies and publishers this year in the digital advertising market.
The 2009 IAB Australia Awards will take place in late May 2009. The IAB awards website and call for entries will be launched in early March and more details of the event will be provided at that time.
Appointment Details
The Board Seat was opened for the first time in January 2008, to ensure the interests of all IAB Australia members were accurately represented with a peer voted delegate. Retaining the position after a competitive nomination and voting process, Mr Johnson will this year have an expanded role on the Board, ensuring all IAB members receive maximum value from their membership.
Annik Skelton, joins IAB Australia from AIMIA where she was Membership Coordinator & Industry Project Manager. She also brings several years accounting and experience to her role at IAB Australia. Annik will assume responsibility for the IAB website, will manage the IAB 2009 Awards and other IAB Australia events.
About the Interactive Advertising Bureau
IAB Australia officially launched in October 2005 with Australia’s major online publishers – Fairfax Digital, Google, News Digital Media, ninemsn, MediaSmart, and Yahoo!7 – together with the Australian Interactive Media Industry Association (AIMIA) as its founding members. The IAB now has 40 member companies, drawn from a broad spectrum of online advertising and marketing organizations, technology and services companies.
For further information about IAB Australia please visit: https://www.iabaustralia.com.au
For more editorial information please contact:
Pru Quinlan
Einsteinz Communications
T: (02) 8905 0995
E: pru@einsteinz.com.au