SYDNEY, 9 October – M&C Saatchi has been named the winner of Round 9.2 of IAB Australia’s Creative Showcase awards for its “Where’s My Wallet?” campaign for the Commonwealth Bank of Australia. Razorfish Australia took second place for “Qantas Quest Points” for Qantas, and WiTH Collective took third for “Australian Fertility Census” for Genea.
M&C Saatchi developed the “Where’s My Wallet” campaign for the Commonwealth Bank to promote the bank’s Cardless Cash technology. The ambitious project involved taking a 120 gigapixel panoramic picture of Sydney – the largest ever – which became the start point for an interactive game that had users zooming in and searching through the entire city for one of 100 lost wallets hidden therein, each containing a $200 reward. When the user had located a wallet, they were asked to go a Commonwealth ATM to claim their prize, using the Cardless Cash product.
The campaign generated a huge amount of interest in the first few days, with average of 10 minutes spent on the site (www.wheresmywallet.com.au) playing the game. Creative Showcase judge Tim Buesing noted that he immediately searched for his own house – a bonus inherent in such a massive interactive picture.
Mike Zeederberg, managing director of Zuni and Creative Showcase’s chair of judges said: “This was clearly the ‘Where’s Wally’ round, with the top of our winning campaigns using interesting twists on the treasure-hunt technique to effectively engage with their audiences. Great use of data visualisation and clean design have also proven important in getting their message across, with all three winners being great examples of solid engagement campaigns.”
With “Qantas Points Quest” Razorfish Australia launched the new Qantas Points website and Online Mall. Razorfish developed a game that shows members how easy it is to earn points in a way that is fun, engaging and simple to understand. The game invites people to explore the virtual world and follow clues to find items. The campaign far exceeded the clients expectations, with 1.2 million entries submitted and the average Qantas Points Quest user played more than five times with more than 14 minutes on the page.
Placing third was WiTH Collective with its “Australian Fertility Census” for world-leading fertility experts Genea. Genea wanted to normalise the conversation around fertility and use the awareness week in their major markets, with a multi-channel strategy leveraging all of their channels and assets. Thus, WiTH created the “Australian Fertility Census”, allowing Genea to find out the answers to questions such as how long it is taking people to conceive. The metrics are impressive for a 50-question census. The completion rate was over 80 percent and it had a social share advocacy rate of 34 percent.
The announcement of this round of Creative Showcase award winners comes just a week after the 10th annual IAB MIXX Awards in New York City, where two previous Creative Showcase winners snared awards for their campaigns. Soap Creative and JWT Australia won Gold in the Public Service category for their “I Touch Myself” campaign for the Cancer Council of NSW, while M&C Saatchi secured Gold in the Special Innovation – Can’t be Contained – People’s Choice category for its “Clever Buoy” campaign for Optus. VLM Australia, Clemenger BBDO and Isobar Australia also received Silver and Bronze awards.
The bi-monthly IAB Creative Showcase competition series accepts entries for work completed in the two months prior to close of judging for each round and only one campaign per agency is allowed. The winning entries are showcased at https://www.iabaustralia.com.au/creative-awards/creative-showcase.
Creative Showcase 9.2 Winners
First place
Creative agency: M&C Saatchi
Media Agency: IKON
Brand name: Commonwealth Bank of Australia
Second place
Creative agency: Razorfish Australia
Brand name: Qantas Points
Third place
Creative agency: WiTH Collective
Media Agency: Eleven PR
Brand name: Genea