MeasureUp, the largest measurement conference in Australia, will return for its 8th year on 11 September 2024. Submissions are now open for presentations, panel discussions and workshops to demonstrate and stimulate brilliance in the science of advertising and media measurement.
MeasureUp is the media measurement and marketing science event that unearths new approaches, reveals new industry data and research, delivers best practice advice and showcases local case studies. Presenters at previous MeasureUp conferences is a who’s who of the best minds of media and marketing research. The 2024 event is bound to be challenging and lively with the industry rebuilding to meet new privacy requirements and signal loss, marketers under pressure to deliver more with less and the world video measurement in flux.
Content submissions, due to the IAB by 5 July 2024, must have unique research and data insights, or be based on real client case studies with an Australian focus to provide practical applications for marketers.
Successful content submissions will demonstrate:
- Data, insights and effectiveness results
- Real case studies and practical examples
- Fresh new content not presented in market previously
- Privacy compliant and sustainable measurement methodologies
- Collaboration with a marketer open to sharing their measurement journey
MeasureUp is an opportunity to showcase your ground-breaking work and evidence-based insights on a range of important topics, including but not limited to:
- cross-media audience and advertising measurement
- brand building
- return on advertising spend
- attention economy
- carbon footprint
- creative and context
- ecommerce
- retail media
- emerging digital formats
- first party data strategies
- macroeconomic impacts on marketing
- AI and advanced machine learning in measurement
- innovative uses of media currency data
- media currency and complementary data
- impact of signal deprecation
Deadline for submissions is 5pm 5th July 2024 (no extensions!)
MeasureUp brings together delegates across insights, data, advertising and agency professionals, marketers, academics and vendors to co-create and influence the future of marketing measurement thinking.
MeasureUp 2023 videos, presentations and content
Submission form details:
- Name of the person making the submission
- Email and phone number of the person making the submission
- Session Title
- Session Detail – Please provide an outline of the session topic, objective, key points and research or data sources.
- Speaker(s)
- Please provide name, title and company for each proposed speaker.
- Link for speaker(s) LinkedIn profile or brief bio
- Please feel free to attach any additional materials to support your submission. (optional)
If you have any questions regarding the submission process or the MeasureUp conference please email IAB Research Director Natalie Stanbury. All submissions will be reviewed by the IAB CEO and Director of Research as well as selected members of the IAB Audience Measurement Council and Ad Effectiveness Council.
If you are interested in receiving information about sponsorship packages for MeasureUp, please contact IAB Director of Marketing and Memberships Jenn Thomas.
Early bird tickets are available until 31st July.