Mobile devices are dominating digital screen times, according to the latest consumer data insights from the IAB/Nielsen Mobile Audience Panel Pilot Study.
According to its latest figures, mobiles represented 52 per cent of the total digital screen time for consumers during June. The average digital screen time per month was 38 hours for desktop and laptop devices, 29 hours for smartphones (both browsing and apps) and 24 hours for tablets (browsing and apps).
Application usage dominated total smartphone and tablet usage at 86 per cent, with social and gaming activities top of the list, although the IAB/Nielsen report said browsing on both types of device has spread across a range of different categories.
The latest data also noted consumers are increasingly reading news on their mobile devices, with 14 per cent of smartphone browsing spent on news sites in Australia. This compared to 11 per cent in the US. The information is based on a panel of 1500 people covering a variety of ages and incomes.
In a statement, IAB Australia director of research, Gai Le Roy, said a comparison of Australian’s behaviour on phones to the US demonstrated that we are an incredibly social bunch, spending nearly half of all application time on social networking brands.
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