28 November, 2007: After an extensive three month review process, panel measurement has been identified as the most appropriate solution for industry standard online audience measurement in Australia. The decision, which was announced today by Dr Stuart Pike, Chairman of the Cross Industry Online Advertising Measurement Committee, will move Australia’s online advertising industry closer to a unified and comprehensive measurement approach.
“We were delighted by the quality of submissions overall and after extensive evaluation we believe that the best approach for online audience measurement will be panel based methodologies,” said Dr Pike. “There is undoubtedly a place for a hybrid solution at some point, but for the immediate future our focus will be upon reviewing panel methodologies with a view to refining and tightening the current methodologies before they can be accredited.”
In early 2008, suppliers with panel methodologies will be invited to participate in an audit process to achieve accreditation. Once accredited these suppliers will be given industry standard status for the provision of the following metrics:
– Monthly Unique Users
– Monthly Demographic Information
– Monthly Frequency
– Monthly Time-Based Metrics
– Monthly User Sessions
– Monthly Page Impressions
The committee, which represents website operators, advertisers and agencies, and industry groups including MFA, IAB and AANA, also noted that while panel based methodologies will be the standard approach, they will continue to review page tagging solutions which may be more appropriate for some sites. Page tagging solutions would however only be appropriate for daily unique browser measurement rather than weekly or monthly unique browser measurements.
Collin Segelov, Executive Director of AANA commented: “With increasing cost pressure on advertising and marketing communications, it is encouraging to see the online sector moving forward on this. It’s a fact of life that new media opportunities are outpacing marcoms funding at a fantastic rate, and the online survivors will be those affording quality metrics capable of proper and fair comparison with other avenues of commercial communication. Advertisers wish all speed to this initiative.”
Nic Jones, the MFA representative on the Cross Industry Committee said: “The MFA welcomes the online advertising industry setting a standard by which our members can be more assured of the effectiveness of their online marketing and is pleased to be an integral part of that process. Clearly the industry still has some way to go before it can truly offer the measureable environment it has promised since its inception. This accreditation process is a vital step in the continuing process of moving towards full accountability.”
Patty Keegan, General Manager of IAB noted: “The IAB supports the committee’s agreed approach and we would expect to see accredited suppliers being well supported by our members.”
The initial methodology audit for panel suppliers to be conducted in early 2008 will determine the minimum panel composition and sizes that will be required to be maintained for accreditation, as well as what factors to be used for scaling up the raw data. Accredited suppliers will then be required to report quarterly to all subscribers and outline whether the standards defined by the initial methodology audit are still being maintained.
For more editorial information please contact:
Pru Quinlan
Einsteinz Communications
T: (02) 8905 0995
E: pru@einsteinz.com.au