25th March 2014: Publishers, agencies and advertisers have joined with the MFA and AANA at IAB Australia’s Town Hall meeting to discuss the way forward for online audience measurement in Australia. The event, which was attended by 110 industry representatives, but excluded measurement vendors, explored in a free and frank discussion the issues identified by IAB Australia in its Positioning Paper on the tender process, audience verification and viewability.
IAB Australia also announced the timings for the Online Audience Meaurement tender process, noting it will release its invitation to tender documentation to vendors on 28th April 2014 and that it will host a vendor briefing on 1st May 2014. Vendor submissions will be due by 20th June 2014 and the review period will commence on 23rd June2014. A decision will be made by the end of the year, with Nielsen’s preferred supplier status expiring in December 2014.
Commenting in his opening remarks at the meeting, Mark Britt, Chair of IAB Australia said: “Our industry tends to have more critics than contributors, so this Town Hall meeting is the ideal opportuity for as many people to contribute to the review of our online audience measurement requirements. The renewal of the Deed will represent a signficant milestone for the industry so it’s important to have as many experts invested in this issue as possible.”
Jonathan Betts, Group Business Director at ZenithOptimedia Group, who was invited to deliver an agency perspective at the Town Hall meeting, noted that while the industry has experienced a meteoric rise of digital advertising to reach 25 percent of all advertising spend, to reach a projected 50 percent of total spend, new metrics and approaches were needed.
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