11 November 2009: IAB Australia today released its updated Universal Ad Package Guidelines The new proposed standards will bring Australia into line with most other countries internationally and have been updated to make the media planning and buying process easier for media owners, agencies and advertisers. The guidelines have been signed off by the IAB’s Standards and Measurement Council which includes representatives from major publishers and the MFA and have been shared with the AFA. The guidelines are now open to comment from the industry until Wednesday 25th November 2009.
The Universal Ad Package Guidelines include guidance on rich media and online video, as well as the inclusion of half page ads as a standard unit. Other changes include an increase in the maximum file size for in-page ads to from 30k to 40k; and the removal of the 468×60 banner ad as a standard unit
The guidelines offer advertisers and publishers a wide range of online advertising opportunities, while also ensuring consumers can access online content quickly and efficiently. The IAB is committed to reviewing these guidelines regularly and working with the MFA and AFA to run a number of research projects to assess the effectiveness of different ad units and formats.
IAB Australia also announced today that it is working on a Best Practice Online Advertising Design Guide which will be published in 2010. The guide will help advertisers and smaller agencies to ensure their creative placements are developed in the best possible format to ensure maximum value and success for their advertising investment.
According to Gai Le Roy, IAB Australia’s Programmes Manager, the inclusion of the rich media and online video guidelines reflect the growing interest in these media by advertisers and agencies.
“The new Universal Ad Package Guidelines go a long way towards providing both assurance and guidance for advertisers considering their use of online video and rich media to support their online campaigns. We expect these guidelines will help drive growth of these formats and reduce confusion amongst advertisers and agencies alike.”
While the Universal Ad Package Guidelines provide the industry with a lowest common denominator for creative specifications, publishers are entitled to exceed these minimums at their discretion.
About the Interactive Advertising Bureau
The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) is the peak trade association for online advertising in Australia. As one of over 25 IAB offices globally, and with a rapidly growing membership, IAB Australia’s principal objective is to increase the share of advertising and marketing dollars that interactive media captures in the marketplace.
Officially launched in October 2005 by Australia’s six major online publishers – News Digital Media, Fairfax Digital, ninemsn, Yahoo!7, Google and Sensis Media Smart – together with the Australian Interactive Media Industry Association (AIMIA), the IAB has four objectives:
To develop, coordinate and promote industry standards and guidelines that make interactive advertising a simpler and more attractive medium for agencies, advertisers and marketers
– To prove and promote the effectiveness of interactive advertising to advertisers, agencies, marketers, and the press
– To be the primary advocate for the interactive marketing and advertising industry
– To expand the breadth and depth of IAB membership while increasing direct value to members
For further information about IAB Australia please visit: www.iabaustralia.com.au
For more editorial information please contact:
Pru Quinlan or Ashleigh Favaloro
Einsteinz Communications
T: (02) 8905 0995
E: pru@einsteinz.com.au
E: ashleigh@einsteinz.com.au