Sydney, 11 April, 2012- The Monkeys’ innovative campaign, The Ultrabook Temptations has impressed the judges with its interactive creativity and imagination and been announced the winner of IAB Australia’s Creative Showcase 6.5. The Monkeys created the Intel Ultrabook challenge, consisting of a range of social experiments to see just how far someone will go for a new Ultrabook. The campaign was a great success with the experiments viewed over 1.5 million times in the first ten days, shared thousands of times on Twitter and Facebook and securing more than 250 pieces of media coverage.
Soap Creative snapped up second place in Creative Showcase 6.5 with its fun, interactive Streets Cornetto Enigma campaign which helped reveal Australia’s soft side. Tequila was awarded third place for its development of the Facebook application Children’s Timeline for Children’s Panadol, to help parents celebrate and share all their children’s special milestones.
Chair of Judges and Managing Director of Zuni, Mike Zeederberg said, “Creative Showcase 6.5 was the round for Facebook integration and viral video with nearly all of the entries incorporating one or the other. Ultimately the idea behind The Monkey’s campaign of watching people do random stuff in pursuit of a reward won over the majority of the judges, the runner up campaigns with Shazam tagging and the easy creation of cute videos of babies were very close contenders.”
The bi-monthly IAB Creative Showcase competition series, which is sponsored by REA Media, accepts entries for work completed in the two months prior to close of judging for each round and only one campaign per agency is allowed. The winners of each Creative Showcase round gains automatic entry into the 2012 IAB Awards “Best of Creative Showcase” awards.The winning entries are showcased at www.creativeshowcase.net.au.
The Monkeys responded to Intel’s challenge to see how far someone would go for a new Ultrabook by staging six social experiments across Australia, Indonesia and Thailand using Ultrabooks as bait. To win a new Ultrabook, entrants needed to shrug off social stigmas and step out of their comfort zone. More specifically the psychological studies were all devised to make participants portray the human qualities of Determination, Power, Daring, Excitement, Persistence and Persuasiveness with a separate social experiment set up to challenge each of these attributes.
Soap Creative’s Enigma campaign successfully integrated different digital platforms and a large soft bear to create a viral sharing impact and boost sales of Streets Cornetto’s Enigma ice cream. This local digital campaign successfully incorporated Shazam, a range of social media activities and competitions, viral videos of a guy wearing a giant teddy bear suit and a Kinect Experience at Future Music Festival to spread the word. The outreach was huge with 250,000 You Tube views, over 25 million rich media views and the highest value sales on record since 2007.
Tequila successfully developed the Children’s Timeline application to coincide with the new Facebook Timeline, which allows parents to collate special moments into a personalised timeline of their child. The application uses smart technology to scan their Facebook profile for any images of their child and then collate the photos into a timeline based on when the images were uploaded. It also allows parents to set milestone markers for special occasions in the child’s life and a completed photo timeline can then be turned into a personalised video, which parents can share with their closest family and friends on Facebook.
The Creative Showcase competition is free and easy to enter- entrants simply register and submit the campaign online at www.creativeshowcase.net.au.
6.5 Creative Showcase Winners
Winner: The Ultrabook Temptations
Creative Agency: The Monkeys
Brand Name: Intel
Campaign Overview: http://ultrabooktemptations.intel.com/
Second Place: Enigma
Creative Agency: SOAP Creative
Media Agency: Mindshare
Brand Name: Streets Cornetto
Campaign Overview: http://boxofsoap.com/entries/cornettoenigma/
Third Place: Children’s Timeline
Creative Agency: Tequila Digital
Brand Name: Panadol
Campaign Overview: http://www.awardlook.com/creativeshowcase/gsk/panadol/index.html
About the Interactive Advertising Bureau
The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) Limited is the peak trade association for online advertising in Australia and was incorporated in July 2010. As one of over 40 IAB offices globally, and with a rapidly growing membership, IAB Australia’s principal objective is to increase the share of advertising and marketing dollars that interactive media captures in the marketplace.
IAB Australia’s board includes representatives of Fairfax Media, News Digital Media, REA Group, Network Ten, Yahoo!7, APN News & Media, ninemsn, Carsales.com, Telstra, TressCox Lawyers and AIMIA. It has four objectives:
• To develop, coordinate and promote industry standards and guidelines that make interactive advertising a simpler and more attractive medium for agencies, advertisers and marketers
• To prove and promote the effectiveness of interactive advertising to advertisers, agencies, marketers, and the press
• To be the primary advocate for the interactive marketing and advertising industry
• To expand the breadth and depth of IAB membership while increasing direct value to members
For further information about IAB Australia please visit: www.iabaustralia.com.au
For more information please contact:
Pru Quinlan
Einsteinz Communications
T: (02) 8905 0995
E: pru@einsteinz.com.au