Beat Suite

Posted by IAB Australia On July 11, 2012 Research & Resources


June – July 2012 first runner up: Beat Suite
Client: Red Bull
Industry: Entertainment

Campaign Information
WHYBINTBWATEQUILA created the Red Bull Beat Suite – a live mix tape style of concert, breaking down the boundaries between different music genres and mashing them all together for a one off event. Social media was also integrated and Beat Suite Tweets was designed – a website that takes your personal, 140 character long tweets and turns them into beats.

Using HTML 5 algorithms, the website examined every tweet and based on the sentiment, an appropriate Beat Suite sample translates the tweet into unique beats. With the use of over a dozen hash tags, users could also influence the beat such as #bass, #noise, #violin or #dubstep. Every beat can then be shared via Facebook, Twitter and SoundCloud.

In just 8 weeks, ‘Beat Suite Tweets’ had almost 80,000 page visits from 100 countries spending an average of more than five minutes generating and sharing their beats. The one-off concert in Melbourne, Australia has since been heard in 1,260 cities around the globe.

Judge’s Comment
Beat Suite is a class act from start to finish. The creative idea of setting tweets to music is inspired and experiencing the tech is playful & fun – everything digital engagement should be. Best of all, it pulls off a near miracle – it makes tweets interesting!



IAB Australia

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