2013 IAB Awards | Organic Search Marketing Winner
Helping Australians Reclaim Their Money
Agency: Reprise Australia and UM
Client: Australian Government – MoneySmart
The Problem
The MoneySmart website wanted to make Australian’s aware of the millions of dollars in unclaimed money from old bank accounts, shares and insurance policies and show them how to determine what was rightfully theirs, as well as drive them to the MoneySmart website.
The Solution
A key barrier was consumer apathy so the content had to be innovative and rich in order to encourage engagement with this dry subject matter. Before a campaign could be launched, the agency had to improve the natural rankings of the website via a bespoke technical audit and complex improvements. Once achieved, MoneySmart’s new budget tracker was launched with a series of data visualisations demonstrating Australian’s financial health with the “What do Australians really spend their money on?” campaign. This was then followed up with a re-launch of the websites ‘unclaimed money’ tool, with “Australia’s unclaimed money” data visualisation, promoted across social media, TV and radio.
The Results
Natural search ranking improvements resulted in a staggering 8,432% increase in year-on-year organic traffic; and a 97% increase in non-organic traffic. Within days of launch, the Moneysmart budget tracker app went to number one in both the iTunes and Google play app stores for the finance category, and after five months over $67 million was reclaimed. The judges summed it up aptly noting “A great innovative approach to the content that made a dull subject exciting.”