IAB Event: How to – Video Advertising for Brands Presentations Available

Posted by IAB Australia On November 13, 2012 Research & Resources

With 77% of Australia’s active online population viewing online video in August alone* and with the advertising expenditure for online video advertising increasing by a whopping 26% year-on-year**, video advertising in Australia is definitely booming!

You can access the presentations in the ‘Downloads’ section below

The following topics were discussed:

Introduction and Global Overview
Paul Fisher, CEO, IAB Australia

Online Video for Brands
Mark Henning, Director, Media & Digital Solutions, Millward Brown
– Incremental reach or efficient frequency?
– Brand impact of online video
– Creative tips to maximise brand impact   

Ian Wheeler, Account Director, The Video Newtwork
Ted Shelton, Sales Account Director, The Video Network
What are the different advertising formats, strengths of each, how to use them creatively, considerations for choosing the format, etc.

Online Video Advertising – How to Reach Friends and Influence People
Jonathan Betts, Group Director, Client Communications Planning, MediaCom
– Is all online video advertising equal?
– Who are the key suppliers in the AU market?
– How are buying models changing?
– How do I ensure my brand is safe online?

Measuring Success
Matt Bruce, Managing Director, Media, Nielsen
Tools available, metrics to consider, how to use the findings, future development etc.

Latest Trends, Future of Video Advertising and How to get Ready for it
Luke Donkin, MediaMind
– Latest trends, ranging from ‘what’s new’ to dynamic video insertion
– What the future holds for video advertising & how the market is embracing the changes
– Hot traditional TV and digital video will work in unison 

Q&A Session



IAB Australia

IAB Australia is the peak trade association for online advertising in Australia. As one of over 43 IAB offices globally and with a rapidly growing membership, the role of the IAB is to support sustainable and diverse investment in digital advertising across all platforms in Australia.
