IAB VAST 4 Guidelines

Posted by IAB Australia On August 13, 2018 Research & Resources

The VAST (Video Ad Serving Template) 4.0 specification was released in January 2016, but hasn’t seen widespread adoption. Some recent updates point to an opportunity for successful pickup of the standard.

In this paper we lay out the reasons for this current state, and call on the industry to adopt the proposed changes.

In VAST 2 and 3, little facility was provided to enable measurement, particularly for viewability/verification. VPAID, originally intended to enable interactivity, was adopted as a way to facilitate this measurement. However, the use of VPAID introduces additional latency, presents risk in the execution of arbitrary code, and isn’t supported on mobile nor SSAI inventory. VAST 4 attempts to address these gaps.


IAB Australia

IAB Australia is the peak trade association for online advertising in Australia. As one of over 43 IAB offices globally and with a rapidly growing membership, the role of the IAB is to support sustainable and diverse investment in digital advertising across all platforms in Australia.
