By Steve Smith, Feb 29, 2012
A new global study of mobile media consumption from one of the world’s largest mobile ad networks finds that mobile subscribers are spending more of their media time each day with handsets than with television.
In a survey of over 20,000 device users across eight major regions, respondents claimed to spend 27% of their media time in a typical day on devices but 22% in front of a TV screen. And yet both TV and phone still fall behind the 32% of time spent in front of a connected computer. In all users who are spending a total of 7.2 hours a day consuming media, 119 minutes is with the phone.
inMobi Global Research Analyst Taimour Azizuddin tells Mobile Marketing Daily that the time-spent numbers are not padded by person-to-person chat or even texting. “Time spent on mobile does not include phone calls or SMS,” he says. “We excluded those activities so we could really focus on how mobile devices are being used for media consumption activities.” The infographic highlighting the research is available at the inMobi blog.
Not surprisingly, mobile is the anywhere, anytime medium — but most often used by 47% of us when waiting for something else to happen. And the “second screen” effect is quite real, with 39% using mobile while watching TV. Only 25% of respondents said they use mobile while commuting to work. But bedtime is phone time, apparently, with a stunning 67% saying they use their mobile devices in bed.