By Gavin O’Malley, Sep 17, 2012, 4:47 PM
From true fanatics to casual viewers, TV remains the dominant channel through which consumers get their sports fix.
One-half — 49.8% — of all sports fans say the television is still their primary source for sports information, according to a recent survey of 950 U.S. online adults by Burst Media.
Still, more than a quarter — 26.5% — now cite content Web sites as their main connection to sports.
Interestingly, among all sports fans, the divide between television and content sites is reduced significantly — by 17.4% — when it comes to which medium respondents say is the best for sports news and information, versus what they indicated was their primary medium.
In fact, two-fifths — 41.3% — say TV is the best medium, while 35.4% say content sites are the best.
What’s more, one third — 35.1% — of all sports fans report going online at least once per day for sports-related reasons, with far more devoted fans — 66.8% — making their daily pilgrimage to the Web.