Oak Reverse Robberies | 2013 IAB Awards Winner

Posted by IAB Australia On July 12, 2013 Research & Resources

2013 IAB Awards | Brand Loyalty and Retention & Social Media Marketing Winner

Oak Reverse Robberies
Agency: The Monkeys
Client: Parmalat

The Problem
Oak drinkers had a problem. A change in ownership had left OAK flavoured milk without distribution. It was disappearing from convenience store fridges. The OAK Facebook wall was flooded with complaints from fans who were up in arms about the lack of availability of their favourite milk but with the category in rapid decline, shopkeepers were showing limited interest in stocking it.

The Solution
With a campaign objective to secure distribution for OAK in twenty stores where consumer demand was highest and changing the perception of skeptical shopkeepers, The Monkeys opted to use Facebook to seed a creative idea and then to execute the campaign placing power in the hands of its customers. A manifesto was published on Facebook and OAK fans were invited to nominate stores in need of a Reverse Robbery – turning robbery on its head by forcibly stocking convenience stores with OAK. Each Reverse Robbery was videoed and shared online.

The Results
The campaign achieved an impressive 60 new stores for OAK, which resulted in a thirteen times return on investment. OAK’s Facebook fans were highly engaged, submitting over 3,000 requests for a Reverse Robbery, equating to a 30% response rate that superseded the 2% target. It also doubled OAK’s Facebook fan base and scored No.2 on YouTube’s coveted ‘Entertainment’ category.


IAB Australia

IAB Australia is the peak trade association for online advertising in Australia. As one of over 43 IAB offices globally and with a rapidly growing membership, the role of the IAB is to support sustainable and diverse investment in digital advertising across all platforms in Australia.
