Retail Media Glossary of Terms

On September 27, 2023 Research & Resources

The Australian retail media sector has witnessed considerable growth and diversification in recent times. With this growth comes the challenge of navigating an increasingly complex landscape marked by fresh strategies and a broadening vocabulary that industry professionals must familiarise themselves with. In response to the growing sector, the IAB Australia Retail Media Working Group was established. This collective consists of representatives from retail media platforms, agencies, and digital advertising companies who are dedicated to standardising industry practices and disseminating knowledge through collaboration.

This glossary is a direct product of the Working Group’s commitment to clarity and education. Intended as the first comprehensive reference, it aims to start the journey of demystifying the myriad terms and terminologies of the sector for both those new to the retail media industry and experienced marketing and media professionals.

Whether you’re a brand looking to maximise your retail media strategy or an advertiser keen on leveraging its potential, this glossary serves as an indispensable first guide to terms used in this sector.
